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Selectmen's Minutes July 31, 2006

JULY 31, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone;  
         Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS:  Police Chief David Cahill, Lieutenant Joseph Collins, Office Neil Cobb,
                Officer Chris Boucher, Officer Rick Mastin, Claremont Police Chief Alex
                   Struk, Claremont Officer Emily Binder, Bruce Robinson, Mr. Leavitt, Buzz
                   Rollins, John Chiarella, C. Smith, Grigory Likhter, Road Agent Tony
                   Bergeron, Georges Mills General Store Owner Janet Kidder, Argus
                   Champion Reporter Carolyn Dube

ITEMS SIGNED:  Please see agenda attached to file copy of these minutes.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00PM.

1.  Bruce Robinson questioned why we no longer elect a Police Chief.  Emma explained that with an appointment background and qualifications can be researched.  Steve advised that it was a voted warrant article in the past that changed the position to appointed.  Mr. Robinson would like to make a complaint regarding the arrests of teenagers in town.  He will present a report which will be discussed at a future meeting.  
2.  Buzz Rollins questioned the water coming down from Route 11 on to his property from the Storage Unit project.  Emma Smith advised that she and Donna Nashawaty are aware of this and it will be discussed at the Selectmen’s Meeting on August 14, 2006.
3.  Mr. Leavitt complained about the Police and Ambulance going too fast on Route 11 when responding to calls.  He is concerned for the safety of the public.  He advised that his wife phoned Mr. Roach and paid a visit to Mrs. Nashawaty.  Bill Roach advised that he received a call from Mrs. Leavitt about the situation stating that she feels the speed of the police cruisers is unreasonable and that she felt very unsafe.  She also told him of a situation where a police cruiser pulled out to pass a recreational vehicle and forced a Schwans truck off the road.  Donna Nashawaty advised that she passed the information on to the Police Chief to investigate.  Chief Cahill advised there were two complaints from Georges Mills which required a rapid response.  Emma Smith advised that it is being followed up on.

John Chiarella advised that they would like to hold a benefit for CHAD (Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth).  They will have two large sailing ships and a boat parade and feel that the place to hold it would be in the Harbor.  They would have a tractor trailer at the pier and tents.  The event would be held on June 14, 15, & 16, 2007.  There would also be a rowing regatta and they would need staging areas such as Dewey Beach.  He advised that they need the support of the Selectmen to use the Harbor area.  He noted that they would probably need to have the tractor trailer in the Harbor from approximately June 11 until the following Monday.  Steve White advised that they would have to file the necessary permits.  Emma Smith advised that they would need a list of their needs and time frames.  She asked that Mr. Chiarella keep the Town Manager informed and that the Board of Selectmen will send him a letter of appreciation and permission.  Mr. Chiarella advised that the most critical part would be traffic control and parking.

Chief Cahill presented Claremont Officer Emily Binder and Sunapee Officers Neil Cobb and Chris Boucher with meritorious service awards and commendation bars for apprehending a wanted person and averting a break-in at the Georges Mills General Store while off duty.  He commended their commitment and dedication to their profession and the citizens of Sunapee.  The Board expressed their appreciation to the officers.

Road Agent Tony Bergeron gave an overview of the damage done due to the rainstorm on July 22nd.  The worst damage was on North Rd., Perkins Pond, and Young Hill Rd.  He advised that the area at Eastman Hill was initially destroyed in June of last year and again in early July of this year during another storm.  Unfortunately the road was just put back together, the materials are soft, and have not compacted themselves.  Culverts could not handle the water and catch basins were clogged with the debris.  He advised that they have had damage five times this year due to the heavy rains and he has not seen this in 20 years. Tony stated that they have received 40.2 inches of rain since January 1st and this is the normal amount for a full year.  So far expenses are between $30,000 and $35,000 and he estimates that out of pocket expenses will be between $50,000 and $75,000.  He stated that he received tremendous support from the Fire Department.  Steve White stated that the Road Agent, Highway Crew, Fire Department and Police Department did a tremendous job.  Tony Bergeron advised that the State Department of Emergency Management has been out and the response has been good.  Tony stated that the public has been good and very understanding.  Donna advised that a lot of private property received damage and Tony stated that each has to be looked at on an individual basis.  Steve White stated that he would like to contact Senator John Sununu to check into getting help from FEMA.

Mr. Rollins questioned if clear cut permits were in order.   He also questioned cutting trees and removing top soil.  Donna Nashawaty explained the type of permits for cutting of wood to sell and, for over a certain amount of square feet, a site specific with the Wetlands.  She stated that the project he is talking about was not that large.  He stated that silt and water from the project property has come on to his property and that it started prior to July 2nd.  Donna Nashawaty advised that the infiltration system was put in ahead of time because of the rains and at the request of the Zoning Administrator to do earlier than scheduled.  She stated that she received a letter from Mrs. Kelly Petrin stating that the residents of Depot and Paradise Roads would liked to be placed on the agenda for the August 14, 2006 Selectmen’s Meeting to discuss personal property damage, environmental damage, erosion and drainage problems due to the Self Storage Project.  Donna advised that the Zoning Administrator, Road Agent, property owner and site person for the Storage Unit project will also attend that meeting.

The Board decided to hold a Selectmen’s Meeting on August 14, 2006 and not to start early on August 15th which is the Summer Town Meeting.

Donna Nashawaty advised that she received a memo from Gene Hall stating that the Beautification Committee would like to install low posts and chains to protect the shrubbery around the gazebo.  The Board felt that a Public Hearing should be held.  The hearing will be scheduled for August 28, 2006 at 7:00PM.  They will ask Gene Hall to present the proposal.  Donna will post individual page notices at Town Hall, the Library, and both Post Offices.

Complaint of Gary Obymaco:
Steve White and Bill Roach agreed that the police did the right thing.  Dick Leone questioned letting people get away with it in the past and now coming down on people.  Bill Roach felt that they should advise the Police Department that the rules are if effect year round.  He stated that there is a sign visible from where Mr. Obymarco was parked.  Emma felt that “violators will be towed” wording should be added to the existing signs.   A motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Bill Road to write a letter to Mr. Obymaco stating that the Board reviewed the matter and will not change the decision of the Police Department.  The motion carried with 3 in favor (William Roach, Stephen White, and Richard Leone) and one against (Emma Smith).  Donna advised “violators will be towed” wording would have to be added to all signs, not just trailer parking.  Emma stated that they could put the wording on the parking maps when they are printed.  Donna felt that a sub-committee should be formed to look at signage.

Meeting with Harry Gale and Committee
Steve White reported that he and Dick Leone attend a meeting with Harry Gale and his Board and it was decided not to discuss the meeting publicly.  He did state that Mike Durfor suggested that warrant articles are needed regarding a coalition, etc., regarding county issues and Mr. Durfor suggested that a committee be formed to meet with
Mr. Gale regarding bills to file next year.  Dick Leone felt that if this is done, all three candidates should be there.  Donna advised that it would have to be a public meeting.  Steve advised that he and Dick Leone suggest a meeting with all 3 candidates and the Board of Selectmen to discuss bills, a possible law suit against the State of New Hampshire, and possible warrant articles.  Dick feels this would be like enabling a campaign.  Donne advised that Pat Remick advised us that the more education provided to the community the better ,and perhaps they need to have a committee to figure out the best way to get involved.  Steve suggested that two Select Board members be on the committee.  Donna offered the Town Manager as part of the committee.  Dick felt that the campaign should be kept out of it. It was agreed that this would be a non-political committee and should be kept out of the campaign.  This would be a public committee and anyone can attend the meetings. Names suggested for the committee were Selectmen Fred Gallup and Bill Roach, Town Manager Donna Nashawaty, Guy Alexander, John Mapley, Mary Epremian and Harry Gazelle.  A motion was made by Steve White to ask all those listed above to serve as a committee to come up with a plan for the following four charges: Coalition – do we form one?; Bills – LSR deadline starts November 15th to submit recommendations; Public Education – due January 1, 2007 draft warrant article possibilities and marketing plan; Law Suit – define possibilities and recommendations.  This to be carried out and reported back to the Board of Selectmen by November 15, 2006 for the bills with good research, and by year end for warrant articles and a public education plan.  Back up members – Dick Webb and Sue Cobb for the public and Dick Leone as an alternate for the Board of Selectmen.  The motion was seconded by Dick Leone and passed unanimously.

1.      Donna presented the agenda for the Summer Town Meeting and noted an addition of the Electronics Communications Committee. (see copy of agenda attached)
2.      Safety Services Building – Donna advised work is being done on the floor.  They could not do it with the machinery so it is being done by hand.
3.      Coalition – the Coalition is requesting a contribution.  The last one received from Sunapee was in September of 2004 for $1,500 which was the 2005 contribution.  A motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Bill Roach so send a contribution of $2,500.  The motion was approved unanimously by the Board.
4.      Lindenhof Street Light – Donna has received a request for a street light to be
     placed in front of the tennis courts.  Steve White doesn’t think that is a town road.  
      Donna will check with Tony Bergeron.  If it is a town road it will be put on the
      Agenda for the August 28th meeting.
5.      BAC/BOS.SSB Meeting 9/5/06 – Donna will try to schedule the meeting for the
Conference Room at the Safety Services Building.  There will be pizza at 5:30PM and the meeting will start at 6:00PM.
6.      Cemetery Records – Donna met with Karl Jonas, 28 Orchard Rd.  He has
     done a map of one of the cemeteries and will do the other one and give to the
     Town as long as it is updated annually and physically checked every 10 years.  
      She advised the RSA says if no one runs for the Cemetery Committee, the Board
     will appoint members and that they need two more members.  It was suggested
     that perhaps Mr. Quinlan would like to serve.


1.      Emma advised she received a letter advising of a meeting of the Transportation Forum and she would like to attend.
2.      Donna advised that there was a meeting today with the Claremont and Newport Town Managers regarding trash issues.  She was not able to attend, but will get information on the meeting.
3.      Dick Leone advised that the Municipal Association Report states that floor policies have to be in ay August 23rd.  There are three groups of questions which they have to mark that they support or not and then vote as a Board on those questions.  The vote is due by September 29th .  The Board members will submit their individual sheets and vote of the questions at the August 28th meeting.   Donna will submit the vote by attending on September 29th.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45PM.

Submitted by Joan Bleau, Secretary Protem               Approved_____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Richard Leone                                   William Roach

Frederick Gallup